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Shop Verified Beef with our new web store

Shop Verified Beef with our new web store

VBP+ is excited to announce the launch of Shop Verified Beef – a web store for the Canadian beef producer! 

Our team is committed to offering value to producers, and we’ve come up with a suite of items that we feel will do just that.

The web store will offer items in two main categories:

VBP+ Swag items are wearables or usable items that let producers rep the VBP+ brand! Swag items are priced according to the cost to ship the item.

Tools for the Farm includes items that are useful for beef producers, whether certified or not. This includes items like sharps containers and cooler bags that help producers use animal health products safely and effectively, but also includes signage like farm biosecurity signs or additional Certified Operation signs for producers with multiple sites. 

Tools for the Farm are also priced according to shipping, but many of the small items are free of charge to allow producers easy access to tools that can help them out, particularly if they are involved in the VBP+ program.

Under the Tools for the Farm category, you’ll also find access to order the VBP+ Pocket Calving/Record Book! If you’re looking to order 1-4 books, you can place an order free of charge using the option pictured above on the left. For larger quantities, you can order books in packages of 5 to cover shipping costs of larger numbers.

We’re always looking for new ideas for items that would be of use to Canadian beef producers. Items in the works for the future include:

  • Printed VBP+ resources, like record templates and manuals
  • Cowboy briefcases (hold animal health materials on a fence board)
  • Treatment thermometers
  • And more…
Got suggestions for new items? Drop your ideas in the message box below!