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Animal Care

Canada's beef cattle producers care about their animals, it's always top of mind. The VBP+ program animal care module helps certified operations validate practices meeting the National Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Beef Cattle in their production systems.

Producers seeking VBP+ certified operation status must meet specific animal care outcomes and keep records related to the care and health of their animals.

Animal Care: What does it mean on your farm

Meeting the VBP+ animal care requirements on your operation can help in a number of ways:

To learn more about Animal Care and the Beef Code, explore the links below or contact the VBP+ coordinator in your province or region.

For a series of articles and videos in the topic area:



  • Funds to build VBP+ come from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's AgriMarketing Program - Assurance Systems Stream of Growing Forward 2

© 2021 Verified Beef Production Plus - Canadian Cattlemen's Association