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Canadian Cattle Learning Centre: More than just training

Canadian Cattle Learning Centre: More than just training

One of the exciting new elements of the Canadian Cattle Learning Centre is the redesigned online VBP+ training modules. However, this new platform isn’t just for new members of the VBP+ program.

Most obviously, training evolves with the changing Canadian beef industry. Certified producers who enroll in the Canadian Cattle Learning Centre can review the new VBP+ training modules to see what has been updated to reflect changes since they took the training. Additionally, operations that seek out additional training outside of the VBP+ program can upload these experiences to their transcript to demonstrate commitment to continuous improvement.

In addition, no one’s memory is perfect! An enrolment fee of $50 secures access to the Canadian Cattle Learning Centre for five years, letting producers come back to the training modules as much as they’d like to review concepts and program requirements. The new training also features self-assessments throughout to help producers track their progress towards meeting all standards. This tool can help certified producers reassess their operations to make sure they are still meeting requirements throughout the five-year audit cycle, particularly before records assessments and self declarations.

The Canadian Cattle Learning Centre is far from complete. In the future, VBP+ will continue to develop and add new training opportunities to the platform, providing centralized access to a variety of learning. A module focusing on the pre-certification process to help prepare new producers and operations seeking re-certification is currently in the works.

Most importantly, the Canadian Cattle Learning Centre has relevance in the big picture of the Canadian beef industry. The Canadian Beef Advisors released a set of nationally framed goals for the industry, which focus on securing environmental, social, and economic security into the future. Many of these goals are targeted at maintaining public trust in the Canadian beef industry.

VBP+ producers already demonstrate commitment to sustainable beef production by meeting program requirements. However, industry advocates need a way to show tangible evidence of the good work of Canadian beef producers to policymakers, consumers, and other stakeholders. Training rates on the Canadian Cattle Learning Centre, as well as producer transcripts, will provide simple metrics to communicate the dedication of Canadian beef producers to continuous improvement as the industry evolves in response to consumer demands.

In general, the Canadian Cattle Learning Centre is a win-win-win situation. Producers gain an easy to access, engaging platform for training and a simple way to track their industry-related education. Industry advocates acquire a simple method for communicating the good work that Canadian farmers and ranchers are already doing. Finally, other stakeholders outside of the industry, including consumers, gain confidence in the safety and sustainability of the Canadian beef on their plates.

To register for the Canadian Cattle Learning Centre, click here.

To learn more about the Canadian Cattle Learning Centre and how to sign up, see the last VBP+ blog post.